Bees are in trouble
Here's how you can help them and be in with a chance to win £100!
Bees are having a tough time and need our help (more on that below). So, as well as helping our customers recharge their cars we wanted to help recharge the bees.
The Smart Home Charge #waystobeehave campaign aims to encourage all our EV charger installation customers to complete one simple act... to scatter some seeds.
Plus, you'll also be in with a chance of winning a £100 One4All gift voucher.
Here's how it works.

Smart Home Charge customers receive a complimentary "seedball" pack at the same time they receive their EV charger.

Here's the easy bit. Simply throw the seed balls on to the top soil where you'd like the flowers to grow. No gardening expertise required!

Share a photo of you scattering your seed balls or even of you, your seedballs pack and your new charger. Tag @smarthomecharge and use the hashtag #waystobeehave to spread the word and also be in with a chance of winning £100 in gift vouchers. We'll pick the winner - best photo wins!

Now it is simply a case of letting nature do its thing and waiting for the wild flowers to grow. They are specially chosen for bees too.
And that is not just bad news for the bees, but very bad news for us - the human species.
Bees form an integral part of our way of life. In fact, they're integral to life itself because of their incredible pollinating skills. According to some scientists, we humans would not survive very long at all without bees as they are so important to how we grow our food, with some believing we would only last a few years once the bees have gone!
According to the Friends of the Earth Bee Cause campaign, the UK has already lost 13 bee species and another 35 are at risk.
While there are certainly big challenges that need to be solved, such as climate change, in order to help the bees, there are things we can all do to help our little insect friends right now.
By simply scattering seed balls we will be growing more of the flowers that bees like to visit in our gardens. That gives them food and somewhere to visit or stay for a while.
So, when you receive your seed balls pack with your EV charger, make sureto scatter them on the top soil in your garden to help give bees a fighting chance.